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Hal Leonard Corporation                                         , An Age Without Samples
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Hal Leonard Corporation

An Age Without Samples

Series/Line: Book

SKU: 00172648

UPCSDD: 888680627829
Our Price: $24.99

Advancements in technology, such as tablets and smartphones, have changed the way people work. As a result, the chasm in areas such as information access, opinions, and even ethics has widened between people who are keeping up with the continuing changes and those who have been left behind. In An Age Without Samples, Ikutaro Kakehashi argues that what we need to do now is resurrect the venture spirit we saw from the late '60s through the '80s. With the explosive change brought about by IT, social networking, and other developments, there is a very rare opportunity today for venture businesses. Based on a solid footing in his area of specialty as a pioneer in music and technology, Kakehashi uses the digital age as the backdrop of the times we live in. In this book, he offers tips on how one might navigate this age without samples, drawing from his own personal experience, successes, and most important, groundbreaking product development.


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